Mind On Board 2015 Chess Tournament


The Chess Tournament is an Isabelita Rosueta Organization Project in Memory of Joel "Owe" Castillo, the Chairman of the charitable institution for children and the needy.


Around 26 chess enthusiasts in different ages gathered last April 12, 2015 for the pre-elimination round. Geared with their respective strategies for the board game, only the Top 16 was chosen during the elimination round. The competition was a long run event in screening the most dynamic players leading for the Top 2 best players; Mr. Alfredo Bivas and Mr. Khruschev Tolentino.


The championship round was a best of 3 game. During the first round the game seems so fast as each player exchanges their moves and as time goes by, the air was filled with intensity as they seriously focused on their target. The mind boggling game ended with a checkmate by Mr. Tolentino followed by a surrendered game in the second round in favor of Mr. Tolentino leading him to be declared as the champion last May 16, 2015.


The event was supported by the dedicated LGO Staff and IROG Volunteers. And as we always said “It is not about winning but it is on how you play the game.”